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Enable ionCube Loader in WHM

Enable Ioncube Loader in WHM

What is ionCube Loader?
ionCube Loader is a free tool for executing pre-compiled PHP code.

Common Error Message:

Site error: the file /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi/softaculous/index.php requires the ionCube PHP Loader to be installed by the site administrator.

How to Enable ionCube Loader for cPanel's internal PHP:

Sometimes you need to enable the IonCube loader for plugins that use cPanel's version of PHP, like Fantastico or Softaculous.

⚠️ Important!

These directions only cover how to enable IonCube in cPanel's internal version of PHP. If you want to activate IonCube for your public website, you need to use Easy Apache 4 in WHM.

  1. Log into WHM and click on "Tweak Settings"

  2. Type "loader" into the find box. Then click the check box next to "ioncube" hit *save *and you are done. The ioncube loader is now installed and enabled on your server.