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DNS Made Easy

DNS stands for "Domain Name System" and provides end-users access and the ability to visit their favorite web sites using easy-to-remember domain names instead of having to remember the IP address of the site's web server. DNS allows us to convert numbers to a memorable, human-readable naming system.

Each domain name on the internet stores its DNS information in its DNS zone file. If you're running your web sites on a server using the cPanel/WHM control panel, a domain's DNS zone file will look something like this:

As you can see, the zone file contains record entries which tell the world wide web where the IP address of a given domain is located. When a user enters [] into their browser at home or work, their browser will ask their ISP where the web server for that domain is located. The ISP will query the authoritative servers and will get the answer in the form of an IP address. Your request will then be directed to the web server located at the proper IP address, and the content of [] will be served back to the user.

Although there is much more to it, and it is much more complicated, this is a brief and easy explanation of what DNS is and how it works. As always, if you have any questions or doubts, feel free to contact our sales/support team and we will be happy to further explain.